View and Edit School Staff Currently in the System
Applicable System Roles
System users with the following roles can view the information of all current staff members:
- Administrator Only
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Log into SchoolFront as an Administrator user.
2. Navigate to the Staff option on the menu on the left side of your screen and choose one of the following staff options (based on what you need to do):
View Current Year Staff
View All School Staff
View Orphaned Staff
3. For this example, we selected, View Current Year Staff, which brings us to the Manage Current Year Staff grid:
Adjust Your View of the Staff List Table
If your school has many teachers and staff in the system, it may be overwhelming and require a lot of scrolling to go through the list. SchoolFront displays the Staff List on multiple pages to allow customization of your personal view.
- Click here to see how to adjust your view of the Staff List table.
Please visit these articles for a more in-depth information on setting up and saving your views for future use.
- Saving Your Searches
- Create a Custom Layout in a Data Grid
Find a Specific School Staff Member in the Staff List
If you are trying to view the information of a specific teacher, you can Filter for the teacher by Employee ID, Last Name, First Name, E-Mail Address, or Username.
Click here for information about filtering records in the data grid.
- Click here for information about sorting records in the data grid.
Edit the Information of a School Staff Member
1. Follow the steps required to find a specific school staff member in the system (for ease of searching, the sorting and filtering options prior to this will be helpful).
2. Once you have found the staff member whose information you wish to edit, click on the magnifying glass to the left of their name to view them.
3. The information page of the staff member you selected will open and you will notice that the employee is highlighted in green, and their details are displayed in the lower half of the screen.
Note: To Edit any of the selected staff's information, click edit (circled in green), and a screen with editable fields will open where you can make your changes
Details Tab
This shows us all of the editable details for the staff. Once you have completed your changes, hit save.
There are other tabs that are also editable here as well:
Course Info Tab
Through this tab, you can access Managing Course Sections, by clicking the magnifying glass to the left of the course.
You can also access the Grades and attendance for each course by clicking on the icons to the right of the magnifying glass respectively.
Login Info Tab
This tab displays the staff's login history. It is exportable to Excel.
Communication Tab
This tab allows you to add new communications (shown with the green arrow), export current communication listings, edit and delete specific communications (circled in orange):
Assets Tab
This tab displays any asset information that has been assigned and logged to the staff. Be sure to check or un-check the box for "Currently Assigned Assets Only" depending on what you are searching for.
Roles Tab
This tab displays all roles assigned to the selected staff. You can export the list to excel, create a New User School Role here (green arrow) or you can delete roles by clicking the red X to the left of the role (circled in orange).
Here is an overview of the links to the right of the Edit link:
Delete - You can delete the selected staff by clicking the red X link that says Delete
Send Notification - The following window will display to send a notification to the selected staff.
For more information on Notifications, please visit our Knowledge Base section on Notifications by clicking here.
Login Information - This brings up a window that displays the staff's username and password which can be encrypted to allow for additional security.
Teacher Schedule - If the staff selected is a teacher, this displays their schedule:
SchoolFront Access - This shows whether the access for the staff is enabled or disabled and allows you to switch either depending on the current setting.