A staff member on your SchoolFront Platform is any individual that has access to the district's platform, regardless of employment of with the district. For example, SchoolFront team members and BOCES employees would be classified as "Staff". SchoolFront allows you to add users to the application in many different ways for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes it is necessary to manually add a user for Testing, 3rd Party Auditing, Legal, etc. Please follow the steps below to learn how to manually add a staff member to SchoolFront.
1. Login to SchoolFront as an Administrator.
2. Go to Staff -> New Staff
3. Within the details tab, are all of the editable fields. (See Below)
4. Fill in all required fields, make sure to include a personal or work email address.
5. Assign a role to the user. If you are unsure of which role to assign, please refer to: SchoolFront Role Matrix
6. Verify that all entered information is correct before pressing Insert.
Note: If this user is EVER going to be active within your Financial Reporting System, all changes to this information must be made within your financial reporting system once the user is activated. If this user will NEVER be active within your Financial Reporting System, all informational changes can be made within SchoolFront.