District List Management
Tables/lists that are defined by districts, as related to job postings and trackers.
- Default Tables: District Applicant Indicator, District Applicant Status, Job Category, Job Location, Candidate Ranking, Candidate Status, Tracker Location, Candidate Reviewer Status, Tracker Status.
It is recommended that a district defines their own District Tables/Lists. If a district chooses not to define their own tables with their own lists, the default tables will show in the drop-down selection. Default tables can be used but cannot be updated by the district at a later date (they are hidden).
Please note: If your district elects to use the defaulted tables and lists and wishes to define their own after the initial set-up, please contact your Solution Architect.
Applicable Roles:
- Recruiting Administrator
- Administrator
Navigate to: Recruiting/Recruiting Configuration/District List Management
Note: From here you may only edit your own districts lists.
Next you will be brought to the District List Management Page, as shown below. Filter for your School District by clicking the filter icon:
The process is the same for adding and editing each System Name list item:
- First, click on the magnifying glass (circled in red below) next to the System Name you wish to add/edit/delete list items
- A lower window will open with both a Details tab and List Items tabs
- Click on the List Items tabs as indicated by the arrow
- To Add a list item, click on New List Item (circled in black)
- To Delete or Edit an existing list item, click on X for delete or the pencil icon to edit (circled in green below)
One by one, click on the magnifying glass in each row in District List Management, and follow the steps above to configure each table (District Applicant Status, Job Category, Job Location, etc.) with the appropriate list items.
When adding a new list item, the following window will display. Fill out the appropriate information and select Insert.
When editing a list item, the same window will display, although it will allow you to change what is needed.