Employee Process Form Submission
Process Form
These forms are used for non-claim forms that need to be signed by the employee and stored in their personnel folders. Process Forms allow for the employee to fill out pre-defined fields that will appear on the form submitted.
When the employee selects a form, a popup screen will appear with the fields that need to be filled in. Once they are filled in, the employee then selects Generate Preview, and the form will appear and requires the employee’s signature. Email notifications will be sent (as determined by the form setup), and once the approval process is complete the form will be uploaded to employee personnel folder (if applicable).
There are multiple ways for employees to access their forms that need to be processed/approved/submitted.
- Process Forms – Available Forms: Employee initiates their own form submission. This screen will show all forms that the employee has access to and can select to sign and process. Depending on the type of form (Claim Form), the employee will get prompted to fill out the form, sign and submit.
- Items Requiring your Attention - via SchoolFront login home page
- Process Forms-Forms Pending My Approval