Configure Default Grid Display
The data grids in SchoolFront display a lot of information. All of the information takes time to load when you change pages. The more lines of data that load into the grids each time the page refreshes, the more time it takes for all information to be visible and useable. For this reason, by default the system will only display 10 lines of data on each page of the data grids.
If you wish to increase or decrease this default at any time you can, but it will take longer for pages to load if you do. Some people prefer to have more information on the page with a slightly slower load time than to have less information on the page and have to click to the next page more frequently.
Configure Mass Update Warning Threshold
If a number is entered (empty by default), when any multi-user popup is presented and the number of impacted items is greater or equal to the configured threshold, the user will have to enter the exact number of items impacted in order to proceed.
Applicable System Roles
System users with the following roles can do this:
- Administrator Users Only
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Log into SchoolFront as an Administrator user.
2. In the left navigation bar, place your mouse on Feature Administration, then Feature Administration page will appear.
3. In the Misc section, click Grid Default Settings.
4. Enter the number of rows you want to display by default (again, the lower the number, the faster the page load time but the less information on each page),
5. Click the Save button.