The Human Resources/Recruiting Department has the ability to upload files to the applicant that are viewable to Tracker Reviewers. Two great uses for this is fingerprint verification and certifications.
To upload District Applicant Files to an applicant:
Go to Recruiting – Applicant Quick Find
Enter in the Applicant First and/or Last Name (if you don’t know the full name of the applicant, please use the applicant grid and utilize the filters there)
Select the Applicant
In the bottom half of the screen, click the Applicant Files tab
Click New District File
This will open a window where you can select "Add File"
You can now search your computer for the file to upload.
Once save, the file will be available on all Trackers that the applicant is on.
Note: The file name should be descriptive so that the Tracker Reviewers can easily identify it (for example, J_Applicant_Fingerprint Verification.pdf).
Additional Note: If used, it is recommended that District Applicant Files be added to Document Groups.