SchoolFront has an integration with the job posting website If you want the job postings you create in SchoolFront to be posted to Indeed via this integration, then it is important that your job postings meet both the SchoolFront AND the Indeed criteria (rules) for posting.
In an "FAQ" format, this article will explain how the integration works and will detail the criteria used by both systems to determine which job postings to display.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Both SchoolFront and Indeed must change their rules periodically to keep the systems operating well and ensure a good user experience, so we will be keeping this article up to date to reflect the latest rules.
- How frequently does SchoolFront send job postings to Indeed?
Once every 24-hours (typically in the late night/early morning EST) Indeed "calls" SchoolFront and “requests” a job posting feed file. At the point of request, the SchoolFront software generates a new feed file and sends it to Indeed. Indeed reads the file and posts jobs that do not violate its rules.
- How do I make sure my job posting in SchoolFront is sent to Indeed?
The feed file SchoolFront generates includes all job postings in SchoolFront at the time of the feed request that meet the following criteria:- The “Post to Job Board” checkbox is checked in the Job Posting Details.
- AND the job posting is “Active” (i.e. the “Active” checkbox is checked in the Job Posting Details),
- AND the Job Posting Begin Display date has past,
- AND the Job Posting End Display date has not past.
Jobs that do not meet the above criteria are not included in the feed file generated by the SchoolFront software. Such job postings will not be sent to Indeed.
- What "issues" with my job posting may make Indeed exclude my job posting?
There are a few things that will cause Indeed to ignore job postings even if they meet the SchoolFront criteria for inclusion in the feed file:
- The job posting is “stale” – e.g. some districts post jobs for substitute teachers and leave them up for literal years because they never stop needing subs. Indeed will ignore those job postings. "Stale” refers to jobs greater than 30 to 90 days old.
- The job posting has the EXACT SAME Job Title or Job Description of another job posting in the feed. –e.g. we had a district who was seeking 3 nurses in 3 different locations in their district but when they posted the jobs, they copied and pasted the job titles and descriptions on all 3 job postings so they were identical but included a different location. Indeed only posted 1 of the 3 positions because its logic interpreted the other 2 as duplicates.
- The job posting has elements in its Job Description, Job Qualifications, or Application Procedure that make it massive in size. This generally results when someone uses large image files in these fields in SchoolFront which causes SchoolFront to generate a massive amount of markup which Indeed then ignores. To avoid this, large images should be referenced when they are included in the above mentioned fields rather than pasted into SchoolFront. Please note that having "a lot" of content in the above noted fields isn’t necessarily cause for exclusion, nor does having a relatively small amount of content ensure the job posting's inclusion -- this problem is usually caused by the pasting of one or more large image files.
- The job posting is the same as (or overly similar) to a job that you previously posted - Indeed may flag the job posting as a duplicate and ignore it, OR worse, may flag your organization as one that reposts too much and bury or ignore all of your job postings. Indeed discourages and punishes too much reposting.
- The language in your job posting content (i.e. the title, description, etc.) is discriminatory, inaccessible, or offensive
- The job posting is the same as one or more other active job postings from your organization except for the City listed (this is called "location blasting")
- The job posting is “stale” – e.g. some districts post jobs for substitute teachers and leave them up for literal years because they never stop needing subs. Indeed will ignore those job postings. "Stale” refers to jobs greater than 30 to 90 days old.
- How do I remove my job posting from Indeed?
If a job posting previously met the above stated criteria for inclusion in the feed file, was sent by SchoolFront to Indeed, and was posted by Indeed, then the job posting will be removed by Indeed if you do one or more of the following things to the job posting in SchoolFront:- Uncheck the “Post to Job Board” checkbox in the Job Posting Details.
- Uncheck the “Active” checkbox in the Job Posting Details.
- Change the Job Posting Begin Display date to a date in the future.
- Change the Job Posting End Display date to a date in the past.
After you make the change(s) the job posting will be excluded the next time SchoolFront generates its feed file for Indeed and Indeed will see that it is missing and remove it from its job board. This generally happens within 24-hours of the change to the posting.
- How do I troubleshoot a job posting that is not showing up on Indeed?
If you posted a job to SchoolFront and it does not appear on Indeed after 24-hours have passed, search your job posting's Details in SchoolFront for the following issues:- Make sure the Post to Job Board checkbox is checked.
- Make sure the Active checkbox is checked.
- Make sure the Job Posting Begin Display date is a date in the past.
- Make sure the Job Posting End Display date is a date in the future.
- Make sure that the job posting is NOT more than 90 days old.
- Make sure that the Job Title and/or Job Description do not exactly match those of any other active jobs.
- Make sure that you did not paste any large images into the Job Description, Job Qualifications, or Application Procedure fields.
If you discover that your posting has any of the above issues, correct the issues. The job posting should then be included in the next feed SchoolFront sends to Indeed and should be posted by Indeed.
- What do I do if a job posting that I keep open for a long time (or indefinitely) has stopped appearing on Indeed?
Job postings posted to your organization's Job Opportunities page and on all of the aggregate RecruitFront job boards don’t disappear until you deactivate the job posting or it expires. This is not true for Indeed.
Job postings from SchoolFront (and new unpaid job postings posted directly in Indeed without being fed via SchoolFront integration) remain visible in Indeed’s job posting feeds and search results for about 30 days. After 30 days most jobs become basically “buried” under other more-recently posted jobs and can only really be found with near-perfect search criteria or by paging through many pages of more-recently posted jobs. After approximately 90 days from creation, Indeed removes “stale” job postings.
Indeed has these “janitorial” rules/policies to keep the content of its site from stagnating-- Job seekers simply will not continue to return to Indeed if the same set of jobs unendingly maintain a prominent place in search results. We cannot add functionality to SchoolFront that violates Indeed's stagnation rules, so long-running jobs must be reposted or sponsored by those posting them after 30- to 90-days if display of the jobs on Indeed is important to the poster.
- To repost a job without having to manually re-enter all of its details:
- Deactivate the “stale” job posting by unchecking the "Active" checkbox.
- Copy it to a new posting using the "Copy Job" link in the "stale" job posting's Details tab:
- Repost it as a new job posting in SchoolFront with new "Post Appears" and "Post Disappears" dates.
Note: DO NOT FREQUENTLY REPOST THE SAME JOBS or Indeed may flag your organization for spamming stale content and either "bury" or ignore all of your job postings. Take breaks between reposts and change up your title and description content so that Indeed recognizes your jobs as "fresh" content and doesn't flag your organization for spamming the same "stale" content.
- To sponsor one or more job postings: Contact your SchoolFront Solution Architect and/or BOCES Support Contact and let them know you are interested. They will explain the process, help you to establish a budget, and can configure SchoolFront to facilitate the sponsorship(s).
- To repost a job without having to manually re-enter all of its details:
- What happens to my job postings on Indeed If I ignore Indeed's rules or Job Posting best practices?
- Indeed may bury, ignore, or remove offending job postings.
- Indeed may bury, ignore, or remove ALL job postings associated with your organization, including those that do not violate Indeed's rules. (i.e. "blacklisting")
- Applicants may no view or apply to your positions on Indeed.
- What do I do if I have made sure that my job posting meets both SchoolFront and Indeed's criteria but it still does not appear on Indeed?
Please "submit a ticket" to the SchoolFront Support Team via the link in the upper-right corner of this screen. Please include the following details about your job posting so that we can help you to troubleshoot it:- School District Name
- Job Title
- Date Created
- What do I do if I think my organization has been blacklisted by Indeed?
Please "submit a ticket" to the SchoolFront Support Team via the link in the upper-right corner of this screen. Please include the following details so that we can help you:- School District Name
- Number of Active Job Postings not Appearing on Indeed
- What makes you think you are blacklisted?
Note: The SchoolFront Support Team does not guarantee that we can reverse Indeed blacklisting. We will attempt to contest your blacklisting with Indeed, but they may decline to reverse the blacklisting and you will then be required to sponsor (pay for) all job postings from your organization on Indeed.