Trackers are used by districts to "track" candidates who have applied to a specific job. Once an applicant is being actively considered for employment, they can be added to a Tracker either automatically, when they apply for the job associated to the tracker, or manually, by a recruiting manager (note: auto-adding and manual adding of applicants is a setting on the Tracker).
Tracker Statuses are defined by the School District (i.e. they are configurable by people with one of the following system roles: system administrator, recruiting administrators, and HR).
Tracker Status serves two major purposes:
- To tell the Recruiting Manager who created the Tracker and Candidate Reviewers associated with the Tracker the current state of the hiring process for the Job Posting associated with the Tracker.
- To tell the system itself whether to display the Tracker in the grid with all other "open" trackers. --Important Note: This list can get very long if old trackers associated with long-past-filled job listings are not closed and negatively impact page load times and overall system performance.
How to Set Tracker Status Definition in the System
In order to define Tracker Statuses, navigate to Recruiting Configuration/District List Management. This is where you define your Tracker Statuses choose terms to best suit your district needs. Some examples could be: New, Working On, On Hold, Archive, and so on. For our example, our Tracker Statuses are:
- Open
- In Progress
- No Longer Used
- Closed
Administrators must have enabled Recruiting Settings via Feature Administration, and then consequently select which definitions are classified as "Active Trackers", those that appear on Open Tracker pages. Anything not checked here will be classified as a Closed/Inactive Tracker.
How to "Close" Trackers
In order to optimize performance on your Tracker grid, it's important to "Close" Trackers that you are no longer using. Once Closed, Trackers can always be edited by navigating to All Trackers through Recruiting/Tracker/Closed Tracker. If there are other Tracker definitions that quantify a Tracker as "No Longer Used" or "Inactive", and you wish to re-visit and edit the Tracker, you would navigate to Recruiting/Tracker/All Trackers and filter and sort until you find the Tracker you need.
To "Close" a Tracker also means that it will no longer appear as active on your My Open or Open Trackers grids.
Navigate to Tracker/ My Open Tracker (or Open Trackers). Select the Tracker you wish to make Inactive/Closed by clicking the magnifying glass to the left of the Tracker Name and the Details will appear below. Click Edit:
Change the Tracker Status Drop-Down to Closed, or whatever has been defined as "Closed" in your district. Click Save.
Note: This also works if you wish to keep the tracker, but no longer have it displayed as open. Our definition here for that would be "No Longer Used".