When an incorrect form is submitted, approvers can reject the incorrect form. By rejecting it, the form will be cancelled, so that the submitter is notified and can easily resubmit the correct form.
Applicable Roles:
- Administrator
- HR Team
Pre-requisite(s): Process Forms: Approvers
To grant permission to approvers to be able to cancel incorrect forms, navigate to Process Forms - Form Management:
Select the form that needs to be edited by clicking on the magnifying glass, then click on the "Approvers" tab:
If the approver is already configured, click the pencil icon (circled in green) to edit. If you are adding the approver, click "New Form Approver" (circled in orange).
If you are editing, or adding you will see the following window display:
Check the box under "Allow this Approver to [Cancel] the Submission", ensure that the Start and End Approval Levels are filled in (if adding a new approver) and click Save.
Next, click on the tab "Email Rules" then click the pencil icon next to the Employee recipient:
Select the box under "Email on Cancel", then select the Notification Category and then the cancel Notification Template and click save: