Provisioning Schoolfront Website in your ADFS server
1. Log in on the ADFS server. From the Server Manager dashboard, launch the ADFS MMC by choosing “Tools->AD FS Management”.
2. On the right pane, Click “Add Relying Party Trust…”
3. The process is pretty straightforward, ADFS guides you through it. Hit “Start”.
4. Choose “Enter data about the relying party manually”.
5. In the first screen, enter chosen display name and corresponding notes then hit “Next”
6. Choose AD FS profile (the first one), click “Next”
7. Check the “Enable support for the WS-Federation passive protocol”, and enter the SchoolFront staff URL provided by the SchoolFront Team (e.g. as in the corresponding text box. Hit “Next”.
8. Hit "Next", (without changing any of the defaults) until the Finish step has been reached. Once on the final screen, Click “Close”.
9. Edit Claim Rules for SchoolFront Website for Staff will open. Stay on this tab and hit “Add Rule”.
10. Keep LDAP as the choice, and hit “Next”.
11. Name your rule, select “Active Directory” as the attribute store, and enter the claims you want to issue. It is suggested that you issue at least one “UPN” claim, which will be used to map to a user in SchoolFront website.
Once you have completed your entry, hit “Finish” and “Apply”.