Change Your Personal SchoolFront System Password
When you first login you must use a system generated password that may not be easy for you to remember. You can change the password to one that is personalized and easy to remember.
Applicable System Roles
- Any Role
Prerequisite Steps
- You must already have an account in SchoolFront and a system-generated password to change your password.
Important: If you do not have an account in the SchoolFront system, retrieving the password will not work. You need to contact your school / district to request access. The staff at FrontEdge Inc. is NOT authorized to grant access to the SchoolFront system or to the student information therein. If you are an employee, student, parent, guardian, or mentor whose school currently uses SchoolFront to manage school and student information, please contact your school to get access to the SchoolFront system or for any information related to the school or students. If you contact the SchoolFront Team, we will be unable to assist you.
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Login to SchoolFront using your system-generated password.
- Click your name in the green area on the left-side of the screen under the vertical menu.
- Then click the “Change Password” tab.
- Enter the system-generated password.
- Enter the new password 2 times.
- Click the Save button.