SchoolFront users with Administrator and Human Resources Roles have access to the Human Resources menu options.
To upload scanned QR Codes and their subsequent files into the system, the files must first be scanned and saved onto your computer.
- Navigate to Personnel Files/QR Coded Scans,
- Select "New Scan Upload" link at the top of the grid:
- In the Details section, click "Add File" link (red arrow below) and a window will open that will allow you to choose the scanned file from your computer that you wish to add indicated by the green arrows below:
It's suggested that you check the box to remove the blank pages.
- Once you have the file ready to insert, either click Insert to complete the process, or Insert and Add Another to continue adding scanned files.
- Once these are scanned, they will be available within the designated employee's folders, based on the QR codes. To check this, please see: Quality Checking Personnel Folders and File Placement.