Send SchoolFront Login Info to Employees
Before an employee can review and sign his/her digital notice of wage/salary, he/she must login to SchoolFront. To login, employees need a username and password. This section explains how to send employees their login information via email.
Applicable System Roles
- Administrator
- Human Resources
Prerequisite Steps
- A notification category is setup for sending login information
- A notification template is setup for sending login information
Example Template for Login Information Notification:
Dear ---Recipient Full Name---:
You will be receiving a separate email with your digital salary notice. The salary notice email will include a hyperlink that you will use to sign your digital salary notice. Below is the username and password you will need to login before you sign:
---Recipient SchoolFront Login Information---
For more information about the digital salary notice review process, please go to:, find the Human Resources section, then the article titled: Employee Review of Notice of Wage/Salary
If you have any questions or experience difficulty logging into the system, please contact the Office of Human Resources by email at ---HR Email Address--- or by telephone at ---HR Telephone #/Extension#---.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
You can send login information (i.e. a URL, username, and password) to one employee at a time or to multiple employees simultaneously.
Send Login Information to a Single Employee
- Go to Salary Adjustments in the left hand vertical navigation menu.
- Find the employee to whom you would like to send login information.
- Click the employee to open his/her Details in the area below the grid.
- In the Details area below the grid, click the Send Notification link.
- A little dialog will open.
- Choose the correct Notification Category from the drop-down menu.
- Choose the correct Notification Template from the drop-down menu.
- Determine who should receive the notification by checking the appropriate check-boxes under Recipient:
- Manager = The employees manager will receive a copy of the email with the employee's username and password.
- Selection = The employee his/herself will receive a personalized version of the notification.
- Self = You (the sender) will receive a personalized version of the notification. (Sometimes senders like to send to self as a "sanity check" or confirmation that the notification is working as they desired.
- Manager = The employees manager will receive a copy of the email with the employee's username and password.
- Enter the Subject of the Email (e.g. Your SchoolFront Login Information for the Digital Salary Notice Review).
- Add persons to CC. Note that each person identified will receive 1 notification for each recipient specified with the check-boxes...So if the student has 10 family members defined in the system and checked the "All Family" checkbox, CC'd individuals will receive 10 emails--one personalized for each family member.
- Click the Preview button to see what the personalized notifications will look like. Typically there is a page break in the preview between the notifications created for each recipient. Review the content and make sure you like it. If there is something you do not like, you may need to cancel this notification for the time being and edit the template.
Note: If the template is missing the employee's login information when you preview, it is because you need to edit the template and add the mail-merge placeholder called "---Recipient SchoolFront Login Information---" to the template.
Note: For security reasons, when you preview the notification if will show your own personal login information in the preview. The employee's information will be included when you send the notification.
- Click the Create Notification button.
Send Login Information to Multiple Employees Simultaneously
Go to Salary Adjustments in the left hand vertical navigation menu.
- If you do not want to send login information to every employee in the grid, use filters and/or saved views to reduce the grid to show only records whose status you want to change. This is important because when you send the bulk login information email, it will be delivered to all unfiltered/visible employees in the grid.
- Once the employees are properly filtered, click the "Send Notification" link at the top of the grid.
- A little dialog will open.
- Choose the correct Notification Category from the drop-down menu.
- Choose the correct Notification Template from the drop-down menu.
- Determine who should receive the notification by checking the appropriate check-boxes under Recipient:
- Manager = The employees manager will receive a copy of the email with the employee's username and password.
- Selection = The employee his/herself will receive a personalized version of the notification.
- Self = You (the sender) will receive a personalized version of the notification. (Sometimes senders like to send to self as a "sanity check" or confirmation that the notification is working as they desired.
- Manager = The employees manager will receive a copy of the email with the employee's username and password.
- Enter the Subject of the Email (e.g. Your SchoolFront Login Information for the Digital Salary Notice Review).
- Add persons to CC. Note that each person identified will receive 1 notification for each recipient specified with the check-boxes...So if the student has 10 family members defined in the system and checked the "All Family" checkbox, CC'd individuals will receive 10 emails--one personalized for each family member.
- Click the Preview button to see what the personalized notifications will look like. Typically there is a page break in the preview between the notifications created for each recipient. Review the content and make sure you like it. If there is something you do not like, you may need to cancel this notification for the time being and edit the template.
Note: If the template is missing the employee's login information when you preview, it is because you need to edit the template and add the mail-merge placeholder called "---Recipient SchoolFront Login Information---" to the template.
For security reasons, when you preview the notification if will show your own personal login information in the preview. The employee's information will be included when you send the notification.
Click the Create Notification button.