Setting up and Managing Your District’s Electronic Personnel Record Folder Structure
SchoolFront users with Administrator Roles have access to the Feature Administrator menu options.
SchoolFront allows you to create folders identical to the ones you use in paper form with folder-naming and color coding for easier translation of the paper-form to digital-form.
Once a standard set of folders is defined for the school, existing paper documents can be scanned and imported into the digital personnel files and formerly-paper intensive processes can be done paperless.
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Navigate to Feature Administrator
- In the Human Resources section, select Personnel Folders.
- Select the New Personnel Folder link at the top of the grid.
- Enter a Name for the Folder, Select the Color for the Folder tab, Enter in the Display order for the Folder, and Enter a Folder Description.
NOTE: If you want this folder to be embedded in another, already existing folder, select a Parent Folder from the drop-down menu. If this folder is a standalone folder with no parent, leave the selection blank.
Parent Folders must be added to the system first or they will not appear in the drop-down menu.
- Check the checkbox of the Users you would like this folder to be visible to.
- Click the Insert Button.
Repeat these steps for each folder you want to add to the system.
After the digital personnel folders are created, you can set the destination folder (storage location) for digital salary notices.
Personnel Folder Security Options
According to your District/BOCES security policies, users have the ability to assign various staff roles to different personnel folders.
For example, if your district has a Benefits Coordinator, you can grant them access through this method for them to see only the Benefits Folders of all employees.
To grant specific folder access to an assigned role within your district, you must be logged in as an Administrator.
- Navigate to Feature Administrator
- Within Human Resources, select Personnel Folders
- Select a folder you would like to grant another role access to by clicking the magnifying glass to the left of the folder name.
- Select “Edit” to change security settings for visibility to the following: Visible to Employees, Visible to Supervisors, Visible to PD Supervisors, Visible to Attendance Supervisors and Visible to Evaluation Supervisors. These settings were available upon the creation of the folder, but are editable here as well.
- If you wish to grant access to additional roles not listed in the security settings, select Additional Roles Granted Access. This shows the roles already associated with this folder and gives you the ability to add another role(s).
- Select the role(s) you wish to have access to the folder, and select Add Roles:
Note: Once a Personnel Folder has been referenced by a Notification Template, the Personnel Folder can not be deleted.