Multi-Document Upload Procedure
SchoolFront users with Administrator and Human Resources Roles have access to the Multi-Doc Importing menu options.
- Navigate to the Document Upload tab
- Select New Multi-Document Upload
- The Bottom Half of the Screen will populate with options to fill-in/choose in order to complete the upload
- Enter a Name For your new Upload Ie: Salary Notices
- NOTE: This name will be the file name after parsing
- Select a Multi-Document Importing Process Form from the drop-down that you have previously created
NOTE: you can find the steps on how to create a Multi-Doc Importing Process Form Here
- Select a Document Source from the Drop-down menu
- Select Choose File in order to select the file you wish to upload
- Select Insert and the Upload will begin
- Once the upload is complete, additional steps are needed prior to parsing
- Review the Parsing Results. If all Employee IDs are correctly matched the number of pages missing Employee information will be 0 and you can select Automatically Verify Results.
- If there are employees who did not get a match within the system, the number of Pages Missing Employee Information will have a number. If this is the case, use Manually Verify Results and page through to find the employee(s). To match the employee ID on the document to the correct employee folder use the drop-down.
Please Note: Documents should be saved directly to a PDF, otherwise if the document is scanned to a PDF the document may contain erroneous data when included in a Multi-Doc upload.
NOTE: It is recommended that you select Manually Verify Results when using a new Process Form to initial a Multi-Document Upload.
- If you have a page that needs to be deleted from the file, Check “Delete this page”
- Once this is complete, select Save & Close
- Once the file is fully verified, the Parse Button will be activated
- The uploaded file will then follow the rules of the Process Form
- Email notification will go out
- Approvers/ Signatures will be required if defined
- Form will get uploaded to select Personnel Folder