When building your Process Forms, you have the ability to insert dynamic and custom fields.
Dynamic Fields: Fields that are stored in SchoolFront EMS
- These fields are dependent on feeds from outside systems
- District information, including a logo (if uploaded) are available
Custom Fields: Fields that are not stored in SchoolFront EMS, but are needed for the completion of a form; used to define additional fields for the form and require the employee to enter or select when generating form. These fields are used as prompt questions when generating forms and can also be selected to be visible on form
- Customized by district
- Multiple types of fields available
- Custom fields can be used in grids for viewing entries in summary form
Creating a Custom Field
Navigate to Process Forms/Form Management, select the form that you wish to create the custom field for, click the "Custom Fields" tab, and then select New Notification Custom Field:
Note: Custom Fields can not have duplicate names.
Once New Notification Custom Field has been selected, the following window will appear:
All of these multiple field types will appear as fields to be selected in Template Builder and are populated by the user when the form is selected.
- Field Name (Required): Enter a searchable name for the grid
- Select Custom Field Type (drop-down)
- Display Order: Order it will appear in when the form is selected
- Custom Field Display Name (Required): This is the custom field name that will display when the user selects this form
- Custom Field Description: This will provide the user with a ? to view this
- Default Value of the custom field
- Custom List Items: Available when the custom field type is either Checkbox List, Custom List/Drop-down, Radio Buttons
- Field Display Options
- Submit Drop-down: Editable, Editable Required, Hidden, Read-Only
- All Approvals: Editable, Editable Required, Hidden, Read-Only
- Display Controller Field
- Allows for certain custom fields to only be visible based on a prior fields answer.
- Initial question must be a Custom List / Dropdown
- Display Controller Field is the name of the question that this question will be dependent on.
- Field Value
- Field Value is the answer (Option in the dropdown) from the initial question that will make the current question appear when selected.
- Example: If we wanted all people who own a red truck to tell us the manufacturer, the initial question would be "What color is your truck" where we would provide a dropdown of "Blue, Red, Green". When setting up the manufacturer field, we would set the "What color is your truck" question as the Display Controller Field and set "Red" to the Field Value. ONLY when an end user selects that their truck is red, would they be asked what the manufacturer is.
Click Save to complete, or Save and Add Another to add more.
Custom Field Types
- Text - Long
- Text - Short (max 100 Characters)
- Calculated Field
- Allows for custom calculations to take place based on constants or Integer custom field results
- Checkbox List
- Pre-populate selections for user, multiples allowed
- Examples - Building selections, etc.
- Checkbox Yes/No
- Shows one checkbox for Yes answer, if unchecked - response will be No
- Custom List/Drop-down
- Pre-populate selections in a drop-down for the user to select (multiples not allowed)
- Examples - Yes/No, Building Selections, etc.
- Date - Long Display (ex. Thursday, August 15 2018)
- Date Entry Field
- Date - Short Display (ex. 8/15/2018)
- Date Entry Field
- Decimal (ex. 12345.67)
- Numeric field entry, negative and decimals allowed
- Integer (ex. 1234)
- Numeric field entry, negatives allowed, no decimals
- Field Entry Separator
- Not an "entry field", rather a separator that defines the fields listed beneath it
- Formatted Text
- Allows for text to be entered through a rich text editor word processor
- File - Public
- Allows for the user to attach a file to the form without access to SchoolFront
- File - Requires Login
- Allows for valid SchoolFront user to attach a file to the form
- Radio Buttons
- Pre-populate selections for user (multiples not allowed)
- Examples - Building Selections, etc.
- Radio button settings include Repeat Direction and Repeat Columns. Repeat Direction specifies how the fields are displayed on the form. If the Repeat Direction is horizontal, the values will display from left to right. When vertical, the fields render top to bottom. Repeat Columns will determine how many rows there are. Total values divided by Repeat Columns will determine how many rows are displayed. Examples follow:
- The above is a radio button with values Val1 - Val6, Vertical direction, and Repeat Columns 4
- The above is the same radio button with a Horizontal direction, and Repeat Columns 4
- The above is the same radio button with Vertical direction, and Repeat Columns 2