The Import Tool allows you to import data into existing forms en masse. Your district's SchoolFront Administrator or HR Administrator are the only roles permitted to use this feature.
When importing into a form, the form MUST be marked as a read-only grid:
This will ensure that the form will be visible from the left navigation menu (as shown below), and the answers from the form will appear within the grid for ease of viewing/reporting and exporting the information.
Once your form is selected, you can now search the grid for the employees you wish to send the form to and then click "Import Values":
After clicking "Import Values" you will then need to upload the excel file to match the Import Custom Field Values:
The Import Tool allows your district to choose the columns to match against, depending on the form and information you are importing. After the excel file uploads, you will select the field used to identify the user (Columns to Match Against) and the columns to update:
Click Import, then it will show you the results:
Now your employees will receive the form and be able to review/approve/edit per your form instructions.