With Custom Tabs, you can create custom notification markers based upon your imported information. You would want to do this for the purpose of collecting and storing data that is not readily available in the system. For example, you've received emergency contact information back from your employees, and now that information needs to go into a custom tab.
*Custom Tabs are created by your Solution Architect, as they are permanent, and added to your district employee file tabs*
Applicable System Roles
- Administrators
Step-by-Step Instructions for Custom Tab Setup:
Login to SchoolFront as an Administrator
Navigate to "Feature Administration/Staff/Custom Tabs"
Select "New Custom Tab"
Enter the name for the tab and enable it and click "Insert". You will go back and edit the blank fields shown below, once you have completed the tab sections.
For our example, the custom tab is now named "School Info". Now that the tab has been created, we can add the sections and list items of the tab.
Tab Sections
Tab Sections are the header names for major sections of the custom tab. Create these sections before turning fields on/off in the details area of the tab.
To add a new section of the tab, select "New Custom Tab Section" (circled in red), enter the name of the section and hit "save". To edit a section, click the pencil icon to the left of the Section Name. To delete it, click the red X (circled in green).
Next, navigate back to the details tab, click on edit and choose a relevant field type and corresponding alias. Be sure to choose the correct section the alias is to appear in by selecting the corresponding drop-down.
If you are using List Fields, you will need to add the List Items to correlate to the alias, after completing the fields and their corresponding sections.
Field Types - Utilize up to 10 of each field type per custom tab. Each must be enabled to appear on the tab
- List Fields: Pre-populate selections in a drop-down for the user to select (multiples not allowed)
- Text Fields: Short (max 100 characters)
- Date Fields: Short display (ex. 11/5/2024)
- Yes/No Fields: Shows one checkbox for Yes answer, if left unchecked - response will be "No"
List Items - Items available within a List Field are created here
- Select "List Item" tab, then "New Tab List Item"
- Select a previously created list name from your list fields (it will show in the drop-down under "Tab List Name"
- Name the new list item, add a description, and save
Once your custom tab is created, you are ready to begin importing the data.
Below is an example of a custom tab and its anatomy:
Classroom Info and Technology Info are the sections of the tab, and they are circled in green. The red circle shows a date field, the orange square shows one of the list fields, and the purple box indicates a yes/no field. The rest of the entries are text fields.