WinCap has an integration with SchoolFront for onboarding new hires. Setup includes creating an onboarding profile with a task defined for Queue for Financial Platform Feed.
This Task Type is only available for Applicant Task Lists.
When associating the task to a task list, it should be set as automatic. You may also want to make it dependent on another task that will have already confirmed the legal name, birthdate, address, and social security number of the new hire prior to making it available to WinCap.
Please find a short video attached on the WinCap side of the integration. In WinCap:
- Right-click on the Add Employee button which makes a call to SchoolFront.
- A pop-up is displayed listing all employees that were hired and have an active queued to financial platform task.
- Select the employee to add to WinCap.
- WinCap will fill the new employee screen with information provided by SchoolFront.
- Complete the additional required WinCap fields that SchoolFront did not provide.
- Save the new employee. WinCap will tell SchoolFront to remove the user from the queue.
- The new user will be sent back into SchoolFront with the next Financial Feed and will automatically associated to the new hire.
Task Name: This will be what you see in grids and dropdowns when referencing this task. It should be something that you will immediately identify as the task that queues for WinCap.
Task Type: Select Queue for Financial Platform Feed
Disabled: This should only be checked if you want the task to be ignored when hiring someone. Some reasons you may disable the task include:
- You want to add the task to task lists but WinCap integration has not been setup on the WinCap side. This will allow you to reenable in one location once WinCap is set up and it will function in all referenced task lists.
- You have added this task to numerous task lists and you are migrating from WinCap to another financial system.
Letter Case: This will change the first and last name to the selected case when displaying information in WinCap.
Given a new hire with the name Sam Smith...
- Upper Case will convert it to SAM SMITH
- Lower Case will convert it to sam smith
- Mixed Case will convert it to Sam Smith if the name is not already in mixed case, otherwise it will leave as is to support names like McDougal.