All Tasks Menu Items:
SchoolFront users with Administrator and Human Resources Roles have access to the Task Management menu options.
Within the All Tasks grid, you will see options to Mass Edit, Process Tasks(s), and Export.
Navigate to Tasks Management/All Tasks
To Mass Edit:
- Select the Tasks for which you would like to Mass Edit by checking the check box next to the Tasks.
- Select Mass Edit
- In this section, you can change who the tasks are assigned to by selecting the box next to “Assign To” and using the drop down to select the new user.
- You can also add a Note to all selected Tasks by selecting the check box next to “Notes.”
- You can also cancel all selected Tasks by selecting the check box next to “Cancel” and the check box under “Cancel.”
- When you have completed your step, select Save.
To Process a Task or Multiple Tasks:
- Select the checkbox next to the task(s) you wish to process.
- A screen will populate with the ability to create the form(s), complete manual step, or send notification, etc.
To Export the task list:
- Select the checkbox next to the task(s) you wish to Export.
- Select Export.
- A download will begin and this can be saved to your desktop.
Column Name Descriptions:
Assigned to Name: This column will include the user to which the task is assigned
Task Type: This column will include the Task Type- Digital Form, Manual Step, Send Notification, etc.
Date Complete: This will list the date the task has been completed
Date Created: This will include the date that the Task Profile was initiated for the New Hire
Task Profile Name: This will list the name of the Task Profile used for this task
Task Automatic: If there is a check in this section, the task is automatically created during Hiring
Wait For: If this is filled in, the Wait For task needs to be completed before the task is active