NYS requires districts to send in a copy of their "New York State Student Information Repository System (SIRS) Staff Attendance Report", SchoolFront makes this time consuming task, quick and painless.
- NYS requires only those with teaching positions and valid NYS Teach IDs be included in the report.
- Your district's BEDS Code is required for the report. Please contact SchoolFront support to have your district's BEDS Code associated with the district in the SchoolFront application and to have it included in the report.
- If multiple absence codes are used for a single day absence, the state code O - Other will be used as the combined code. For example, if an employee is absent for a full day, using P - Personal for half of the day and S - Sick for the other half, the code O - Other will be used for the full day absence.
Role Permissions:
The roles required to access this report are one of the following:
- Administrator
- HR Admin
- Attendance Administrator*
- Attendance Coordinator*
- Attendance Supervisor*
- HR Team
Executing the Report
Option 1: for Administrator, HR Admin and HR Team roles
*For Attendance Administrator, Attendance Coordinator and Attendance Supervisor roles, see Option 2.
The employee grid is the easiest way to execute the report because it makes filtering for only those employees you wish to report on simple. However, this grid is only available to the Administrator, HR Admin and HR Team roles.
1. Login to SchoolFront
2. Go to "Human Resources" -> "All Employees"
3. Use filters such as Bargaining Unit to select only those employees who are teachers.
4. Review the list of teachers in the grid and screen for any that do not have a Teach ID in the Teach ID column in the grid. Be sure to get the Teach IDs and input them into your financial system and make sure this information has been sent to SchoolFront before including an employee in the report.
5. Check the box next to each teacher to be included in the report or click the Select All checkbox at the top-left corner of the grid once you are comfortable with the filters in the grid.
6. Click the farthest right dropdown next to the pie icon on top of the grid.
7. Select "NYS SIRS 324 - Staff Attendance" from the dropdown and press the pie chart icon to the right of the dropdown to launch the report.
8. Set the report parameters:
- Staff: All of the employees selected on the previous grid will be checked in this dropdown. To make any changes to the Staff selected, close this window and go back to the Active Employees grid to modify your selections.
- Fiscal Year: Input the Fiscal Year for the period you wish to report on
- Calculation Date: Typically June 30th of the last calendar year of the fiscal year. This parameter can be changed to a different date and calculates attendance "as of" the date input into the parameter.
- Hide Heading Row: NYS requires that the report be submitted without any header row so the default value of True should be kept unless you are running the report as part of a trial run or to perform quality checks.
- Show Additional Columns: can also be set to True only if you are generating a report that will not ultimately be submitted to NYS. Similar to the header row, these columns can be useful if you are performing quality checks on the report output.
9. When you have the parameters set correctly, click on View Report
10. Once the report completes and you are ready to submit to NYS State, save the output as CSV (No Header)
Option 2: for Administrator, Attendance Coordinator and Attendance Supervisor roles
1. Login to SchoolFront
2. Click the pie-chart icon in the upper left corner of the screen to access reports
3. On the Reports page, click the NYS SIRS 324 - Staff Attendance report - Option 2 and then click Execute Report in the details pane below
4. Set the report parameters:
- Staff: All of the employees selected on the previous grid will be checked in this dropdown. To make any changes to the Staff selected, close this window and go back to the Active Employees grid to modify your selections.
- Fiscal Year: Input the Fiscal Year for the period you wish to report on
- Calculation Date: Typically June 30th of the last calendar year of the fiscal year. This parameter can be changed to a different date and calculates attendance "as of" the date input into the parameter.
- Hide Heading Row: NYS requires that the report be submitted without any header row so the default value of True should be kept unless you are running the report as part of a trial run or to perform quality checks.
- Show Additional Columns: can also be set to True only if you are generating a report that will not ultimately be submitted to NYS. Similar to the header row, these columns can be useful if you are performing quality checks on the report output.
5. When you have the parameters set correctly, click on View Report
6. If you need to see more information about the records included in the report, set Hide Heading Row to False and Show Additional Columns to True.
7. Once the report completes and you are ready to submit to NYS State, save the output as CSV (No Header)