User Links in the Upper-Right Corner
These links appear in the upper-right corner of the screen at all times and allow the user to:
- Go to the Home page.
- Go to the SchoolFront Report Server.
- Go to SchoolFront Help.
- Securely Logout of the SchoolFront system.
- View their own User Information.
When you first login to SchoolFront you will land on your SchoolFront homepage. The homepage is where your school's administrator users and the SchoolFront Support Team place important information for users in all system roles.
If you click the Reports link in the upper-right corner of the screen, you will be linked to the SchoolFront Report Server interface. Only select school Staff members will have access to this portion solution. The SchoolFront Report Server allows you to create reports for any of the data tracked in SchoolFront and you can include data tables, charts, graphs, etc.
This link will connect users to the section of the SchoolFront Support Portal which was written to help users of all roles (teachers, administrators, parents, students, counselors, and mentors) get started using SchoolFront.
Help content is written simply with easy-to-follow, often enumerated steps and includes multimedia content such as graphics and demonstration videos to support user comprehension where appropriate.
User Information
If you click your name in the upper-right corner of the screen, you will see your own profile information.
Users who have securely logged into the system using their User Name and Password can click the Logout link to be securely logged out of the SchoolFront so that no one else can access their information or make any changes to their data in the system.