Generally speaking, the SchoolFront screen consists of:
User Links: The links are located in the upper-right corner of the screen. These links allow the user to see their own User Information, to navigate to the Home page, to go to the SchoolFront Reporting Server, and to securely logout of SchoolFront.
Left Navigation Menu: The menu is located in the green area along the left side of the screen. It links users to the various sections of the application.
Main Window: This is the main area of the screen and takes up the most space. It is where users will do work and view information in the system. When you click a link (section) in the Left Navigation Menu, the section will open in the Main Window.
Common Icons: Icons, or small images representing functions of the system are used consistently throughout SchoolFront. Once you learn what the icons mean, you will be able to intuitively know what you, as a user, can do in each area of the application when you see one of the icons