Profile Tasks: Copy to Personnel Files
SchoolFront users with Administrator and Human Resources Roles have access to the Task Management menu options.
When hiring a new employee SchoolFront allows for the transfer of data between RecruitFront and SchoolFront. This allows Districts to pull information such as, Certifications, Resume, Cover Letter, Credentials, Reference, Transcripts, and Other documents from the application into the new employee personnel folder.
- Navigate to the Task Management Page/Task Profiles/Profile Tasks
- Select “New Task”
- From the Drop-Down menu below Task Type, select Copy to Personnel Files
- Enter a Task Name and Task Description
For Example: Teachers-Copy Personnel Files
- Select if you would like this process done automatically or if you would like to manually determine the name and destination of the files when the employee is hired.
NOTE: If you choose Manual you will not have any options below the Additional File Types, but it will allow an HR employee to selectively pick which items move.
- If you select automatic you will have the option to choose the file source
NOTE: The default option is “All” in order to copy all files from an applicant into the new personnel file.
- Select a File Type from the Drop-down menu
- Select a Copy Policy
NOTE: All is the default option in order to copy all applicant files into the new personnel file.
- Create a New File Name and Select the new location in the Personnel Folder
- Select “Add Mapping” to include this copy within the Task Profile of “Teachers”
- Once you selected all files you wish to copy from the applicant file to the personnel file select Insert or insert and add another
NOTE: If you add a file to a personnel file and you wish to remove it you can go into the employee profile and delete.