To begin Open Enrollment process, login in to Schoolfront: Depending on your employer's selections, options may vary from the examples outlined below.
Make Selections
- Navigate to 'Items Requiring Your Attention'. Find the Benefits Enrollment-Pending Selections. To begin the open enrollment process, click "Make Selections" as shown in the red circle below.
You can also navigate to "My Dashboard" through the Human Resources link on the left side of the page to access Benefits Enrollment.
Note: Depending on your employer's selections, a box will open up similar to the image below. Benefits options available will pertain to your specific plans available through your employer. Here are few examples of how your selections could look:
To view previous selections on Benefits, please select, "Click Here" in the top right corner above Health.
Yes = This option will appear if it is the first time the employee is completing the form. Should be selected if employee wants benefit plan coverage through employer.
No = This option will appear if it is the first time the employee is completing the form, AND Waive and Opt Out are not options. Should be selected if employee does not want benefit plan coverage through employer.
*Change = Select a different benefit plan than previously selected. (*This is only relevant and will appear after the first year of enrollment that has been completed in SchoolFront.)
*No Change = There are no changes to previously selected benefit plan. (*This is only relevant and will appear after the first year of enrollment that has been completed in SchoolFront.)
Opt Out = Employee does not wish to sign up for this benefit. This will be available only if relevant to employer. Opt Out form will be required to be completed by employee.
Waive = Employee does not wish to sign up for this benefit. This will be available only if relevant to employer. Waiver form will be required to be completed by employee.
- Make selections pertaining to you, and select Save when complete.
Complete Forms
- The link that previously said "Make Selections" on your dashboard, will now change to say "Complete Forms" as shown in the red circle below:
- Select Complete Forms.
Note: You must click each link individually to fill out each form. Once the form has been completed, the pencil icon will change to a green check mark, as shown below. Opt Out or Wavier forms (although not shown in this example) will also appear under "Complete Applicable Forms" which also must be completed by clicking on the link that would say: "Complete the (Dental/Medical/etc) Waiver or Opt Out Form".
Here are some tips for filling out each form:
Medical Form Fields Tips (not Waive or Opt Out)
Type of Transaction: This will default to Add Subscriber. Do not change.
Coverage Effective Date: This will default in. Do not change.
Reason(s) for Transaction: The Open Enrollment box will already be checked. Do not change.
Plan Selection Medical: Select the medical plan.
Type of Coverage – Select your type of coverage.
Select Gender
Phone Number: Type in Phone Number
Spouse through Family 5 sections fill in all other information for all dependent(s) on your policy, if applicable.
Previous Coverage section should be filled out if you have other insurance (spouse, private insurance, another employer etc.)
Dental Form Field Tips (not Waive or Opt Out)
Type of Transaction: This will default to Add Subscriber. Do not change.
Coverage Effective Date: This will default in. Do not change.
Reason(s) for Transaction: The Open Enrollment box will already be checked. Do not change.
Plan Selection Medical: Select the medical plan.
Type of Coverage – Select your type of coverage.
Select Gender
Spouse through Family 5 sections fill in all other information for all dependent(s) on your policy, if applicable.
Previous Coverage section should be filled out if you have other insurance (spouse, private insurance, another employer etc.)
Family - Full Time Student means college only.
Vision Form Field Tips (not Waive or Opt Out)
Member Number
Action: Select A: Add (Enroll)
FSA Form Field Tips
If you check Yes for Health Care Election, enter in Per Pay Amount and Total Annual Amount. Do not change Pays Per Year (this is set by the employer).
If you check Yes for Dependent Care Election, enter in Per Pay Amount and Total Annual Amount. Do not change Pays Per Year (this is set by the employer).
(Please contact employer for annual limits)
Please note: Rate sheets will be available for each benefit type (except FSA). See example below.
- After completing each form, select the "Submit" button. If you want to save changes to form but are not ready to submit, select "Save Draft". If you save draft, you can go back in and complete at a later time.
- After Submitting form, the next page will be a review of the form. Scroll to the bottom of the form for the signature section. Signatures are required on all forms. Please use your mouse or touch screen (if applicable). Sign form and select "Save Signature".
- The form is now complete. You will see a green check mark next to each form as you complete them.
- Once everything is completed, all forms will show with a green check mark, and the forms will go through an Audit process in the Benefits department. The Benefits department will contact you if anything is missing or when it is verified.