Change the Status of a Salary Adjustment to "Failed Audit"
Typically, salary adjustment records are moved to the "Failed Audit" state from the Salary Adjustment Internal Audit screen by someone who is formally auditing the salary adjustment calculations, but you can also change the status on one or more salary adjustment records to "failed audit" without doing the audit process.
Applicable System Roles
- Human Resources
- Administrators
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Go to Salary Adjustments in the left hand vertical navigation menu.
- You can change the status of any record (with the exception of ones in the "employee approved" state) to "Failed Audit." You can do this one salary adjustment record at a time, or change the statuses of multiple salary adjustment records at one time:
Convert a Single Salary Adjustment Record to "Failed Audit"
- Click the salary adjustment record to view its Details below the grid.
- In the Details area below the grid, click the Change Status link.
- Enter a comment such as "The math on this calculation does not seem correct." In the "Status Change Comment."
- Select "Failed Audit" from the Salary Adjustment Status drop-down menu.
- Click the Save button.
Note: To see all salary adjustment records that are in the "Failed Audit" status, go to the Salary Adjustments page and click the "Failed Audit" link at the top of the screen. The grid will be filtered to only show records that are in the "Failed Audit" status.
Convert Multiple Salary Adjustment Records to "Failed Audit" at One Time (Bulk Status Change)
- If you do not want to change the status of every salary adjustment record in the grid, use filters to reduce the grid to show only records whose status you want to change. This is important because when you make the bulk status change, it will change the status of all unfiltered/visible records in the grid.
- Once the records are properly filtered, click the "Change Status" link at the top of the grid.
- Enter a comment such as "This employee should have an attendance incentive." In the "Status Change Comment." This exact comment will be applied to all unfiltered/visible salary adjustment records in the grid.
- Select "Failed Audit" from the Salary Adjustment Status drop-down menu. This exact same status will be applied to all unfiltered/visible salary adjustments in the grid.
- Click the Save button.
Note: To see all salary adjustment records that are in the "Failed Audit" status, go to the Salary Adjustments page and click the "Failed Audit" link at the top of the screen. The grid will be filtered to only show records that are in the "Failed Audit" status.