Permanently Delete/Remove a Salary Adjustment from the System
If you run a wage / salary adjustment for an employee in error and wish to eliminate the salary adjustment record permanently from the system, follow these steps.
Note: Salary/wage adjustments cannot be deleted in bulk, they must be deleted one at a time. If you need to delete many salary adjustment records at one time, please contact SchoolFront Support for assistance.
Note: Deleting a salary adjustment record does not have an impact on the employee record (i.e. If you follow these steps you will not be deleting the employee's full record, rather you will just be eliminating a single instance of the salary/wage calculation).
Applicable System Roles
- Human Resources
- Administrator
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Go to Salary Adjustments in the left hand vertical navigation menu.
- Scroll through the records in the grid and/or use sorting or filtering to locate the specific salary adjustment record you wish to delete.
- Click the salary adjustment record to open the details below the grid.
- Down in the details area below the grid, click the delete link.
- Confirm the deletion.
- The salary adjustment record has been permanently deleted.