Managing Absence Codes
SchoolFront users with Administrator, Human Resources, Attendance Administrator, and Business Office Roles have access to the Staff Attendance/Absence Code menu options.
Update/Create Absence Codes within Attendance Groups
- Navigate to Attendance Groups
- Select New Attendance Groups to create a New Group or the magnifying glass next to the Attendance Group you wish to edit
- For more information on how to complete this set-up follow these directions:
- Select Absence Code
Edit an Absence Code
- Select the pencil icon, next to the code you wish to edit.
- You can now update various aspect of the Absence Code
- Use the drop-down to select the Accrual Grant Frequency
- Unassigned- Can be given at any point and not tied to a specific date
- Fiscal Year Start- July 1st of any given year
- September First
- Employee Anniversary- Will be given on a specific employee Anniversary Date
- Monthly- Will be granted monthly on a specific date
Create a new Absence Code
- Select New Absence Code
- Fill in the information associated with the Absence Code and select either Save & Add Another, or Save & Close.
Absence Code Contracts
This tab will show all Absence Code Contracts that have been created within the Absence Codes and are associated with the corresponding Attendance Groups.
Pull An Attendance Contract Report
1. Go to "Time & Attendance"-> "Reports/Info"-> "Attendance Group Contracts"
2. Here you will be able to see all absence codes and their related data.
Absence Code Glossary
Absence Code- The Code associated with the reason for the Absence from work.
Accrual Grant Frequency- The frequency in which the amount of time off per Absence Code is granted to the Employee.
Required comments on Absence and Attendance Change Requests- Selecting this checkbox will require a comment be entered regarding the Absence or an Attendance Change Request.
Unpaid Code- Selecting this checkbox will indicate the Employee will not be paid for their time off associated with the Absence Code.
Allow Negative Balance- Selecting this checkbox will allow for the Absence Code to go into a negative balance.
Contract State Date- This is the date in which the Contract will begin and follow the rules set within Time Granted Based on Years of Services After Anniversary Date.
Maximum Taken Per Year- This amount will be the Maximum amount an Employee can take per year associated with the specific Absence Code.
Maximum Balance- This is the maximum amount of Time Off (Days) that can be accrued in regards to the specific Absence Code.
Carry Over Balance- Selecting this checkbox allows for Time Off (Days) unused to be carried over to the next period of time.
Carryover Balance to Absence Code- This is the Absence Code associated with where the unused Time Off (days) will be transferred to.
Maximum Annual Carryover- The maximum amount of Time Off (Days) that can be carried over per year.
Excess to Absence Code- This is the location (Absence Code) where the additional Time Off (Days) can be transferred to if the Maximum Annual Carryover has been reached.
Time Granted Based on Years of Service After Anniversary Date
Years of Service- The years of service an employee needs to have completed before reaching an additional grant.
Grant Time (Days)- Number of days off granted to the Employee for completing the set number of Years of Service.
Grant Only at This Year- Selecting the Checkbox will only allow for the Time Off (Days) to be granted at the specific year.