How Accruals are Calculated
The user's anniversary date is the main factor that the system uses for accrual generation.
The system also utilizes years of service at start (if provided) as a factor in accrual generation.
Both of these fields are initialized when the user is added to the Time and Attendance module.
Via "Active Employees": HR -> Active Employees -> Check Desired Employee(s) -> "Select Action" dropdown -> Add to Time and Attendance"
Via Desired Position: "HR" -> "Positions" -> Click Desired Position -> "Staff" tab -> "+ New Staff" button
Both of these fields can be edited/updated:
Via "Staff Positions": "HR" -> "Staff Positions" -> Click Desired Employee -> "Edit" button
Example: Anniversary Date + Years of Service At Start = Total years used in accrual calculation.
Anniversary Date: 7/1/2023
Current Date: 7/1/2024
Time Elapsed: 1 Year
Years of Service At Start: 3 Years
Years Of Service Used in Calculations: 4 Years
NOTE: Accruals may take up to 30 minutes to generate.
Create a New Individual Accrual
SchoolFront users with Administrator, HR Admin, and Attendance Supervisor roles have access to the Staff Attendance menu option.
- Navigate to the Accruals menu option.
- Select New Leave Accrual
- Select Grant Date and Continue
- Select Staff and Attendance Group
- Select Absence Code
- Insert Grant Time (Hours)
- Select Grant Status
- Select Transaction Type
- Select Grant Type
- Enter in any additional comments
- Select Insert
Edit an Absence Accrual
- Navigate to the Accrual menu option
- Using the Filters, select the Accrual you wish to edit.
- Select Edit from the Details page
- Once you have completed your edits, select Save.
End/Change Employee Position & Accrual Handling: When an employee leaves or changes positions, their accruals and absence requests must be taken care of. Either moved with them or deleted. Below is a step by step process on how to end/change employee position and handle their accruals.
1. Go to "Time & Attendance"-> "Staff".
2. Choose the necessary employee.
3. Select "End or Change Position" under the "Details" tab
4. Select "End or Change position" within pop-out
5. Enter the end date for the accruals and select necessary options
-Adjust Leave Accrual Balances : A grid will populate below allowing you to manually adjust accruals
-Delete Accruals Past End Date : Delete Accruals after end date
-Delete Attendance Past End Date : Delete absence requests past end date
-Start A New Position : A new section will populate to the right for new position information.
6. If new position was selected, enter all pertinent information for the new position.
7. Once an Attendance group is selected, another grid will populate beneath this section, allowing you to adjust accruals for the new position.
8. When satisfied, press save.
Deleting Accruals Past Specific Date:
1. Go to "Time & Attendance"-> "Staff".
2. Choose the necessary employee.
3. Select "End or Change Position" under the "Details" tab
4. Select "End or Change position" within pop-out
5. Enter the end date for the accruals and select necessary options
-Adjust Leave Accrual Balances
-Delete Accruals Past End Date
-Delete Attendance Past End Date
-Start A New Position
6. Save