Absence Request Form Setup
SchoolFront Users with Administrator and Human Resources Roles have access to the Process Forms Menu options.
Form Parameters Setup
- To setup parameters to the Absence Request Form, Navigate to Form Management
- Select New Process Form
- Enter a New Form Name (Ie: Absence Request- Personal Days)
- Select Process Category of Absence Request (Absence Request Forms)
- Note: Form Categories must be completed before the creation of a Process form.
- Select Enabled for user to be able to submit this form
- Select if you wish the form to PDF fit One Page
- Select the Destination Personnel Folder.
- Select where you wish the Form to be accessible from.
- On Available Forms
- On Employee Tab
- On Employee Grid
- On Submitter Tab
- As Task Profile Option
- As Read Only Grid
- Create an Introduction Paragraph
- Select the Available Absence Code
- Note: In this example we have created a, Absence Request for a Personal Day. The Absence Code would then be Personal (Personal)
- Select Insert
Form Creation
- Select Template Builder
- Insert any information you would like to be on the form including, but not limited to: Employee Name, The date, Employee Position, School/Building, Bargaining Unit or additional instructions.
- Create the Heading: Time Requested
- Insert the Notification Marker- Absence Request
- In order for Employee’s to see their Current Balance
- Select Notification Markers- Absence Request Current Balance
- In order for Employee’s to see their Absence Request Pending Balance
- Select Notification Markers- Absence Request Pending Balance
- Select Save.