SchoolFront offers the functionality to store files within folders in a separate file repository. This allows you to store pertinent school related information within SchoolFront with permissible access setup available.
How to Setup a Folder:
1. Login to SchoolFront
2. In the left navigation menu choose "File Repository" then "File Folders".
3. Select "+ New File Folder".
4. Give the Folder a name and description.
5. Save.
How To Setup Role Access (Folder):
1. In the left navigation menu choose "File Repository" then "File Folders".
2. Choose a previously created folder.
3. Select "Role Access" Tab.
4. Select "+ New File Folder Role Permission".
5. Select a role, and which type of permission will be granted.
-Read Permission
-Write Permission
-Delete Permission
6. Save.
How to Upload Files:
1. Login to SchoolFront
2. In the left navigation menu choose "File Repository" then "Files".
3. Select "+ New File".
4. Choose the associated Folder.
5. Select "Add File" to browse locally and choose your file.
6. Press Insert and Save.
View Audit Trail (File):
1. In the left navigation menu choose "File Repository" then "Files".
2. Choose a previously created file.
3. Select "Audit" Tab.
4. View who Viewed/Modified/ the file.