SchoolFront users with Administrator, Human Resources, and Benefits Coordinator Roles have access to Benefits Plan/Profile menu options.
SchoolFront EMS Benefits Enrollment requires the setup of Benefit Plans and Benefits Profiles. Once created, Benefit Profiles can be attached to employees, which will then drive what benefits can be selected upon enrollment.
- Benefits Plans: Define all types of Medical/Dental/Vision benefits available to employees within a District
- Plan Costs: Costs for different coverage types (Single, Employee & Spouse, Employee & Child, Family, etc.) within each Benefits Plan; Updated in tab within Benefits Plan Management
- Start Date: Date that plan coverage will begin
- Cost: Benefits plan cost to District
- Base Cost: Base Cost that District uses to calculate employee cost from (if applicable)
- Coverage: Type of coverage that cost is associated with
Setup Benefits Plans
- Navigate to Benefits Plans
- Select the Benefits Plan Name that needs to be updated.
- Select the Plan Costs tab
- Select New Benefits Plan Price
- Use the drop-down to select Type of Coverage
- Enter Start Date of Rate Change- For example: 07/01/2020 for your medical plans
- Enter MONTHLY Coverage Costs
- Select Save
- Repeat the previous 6 steps to add additional coverage costs for all benefits plans and coverage types.
Year 1
Year 2 and Beyond
Plans can be used year over year
Benefits Plan Price (Plan Costs tab)
Add new occurrence for new year
- Start Date
Add new occurrence for new year
- Cost
Add cost for new year
- Base Cost
Add base cost for new year
- Coverage Type
Add coverage types for new year
Setup Benefit Profiles
Key Terms:
- Benefits Profiles: Define groups of employees that specific benefits rates are offered to (Administrators, Teachers, Custodians, Food Services, CSEA, etc.), including Opt Out, Waiver, FSA options
- Plan Definitions: Contains Type of Coverage, Effective Date, Benefits Profile Plan Code (if applicable), calculations used to determine Employer Cost, Employee Cost and Employee Payroll Deductions
- Price Check: Calculates benefits rates to ensure that formulas are entered correctly, and can be edited without sending out a “test” Benefits Enrollment to check
- Price Initializer: Quick way to initialize Benefits Plans/Coverage Types for new Effective Dates
- Navigate to Benefits Profiles
- Select the Benefits Profile Name that needs to be updated.
- Select Plan Definition Tab
- Within the Plan Definition Tab there are three options
- Price Check
- Within the Plan Definition Tab there are three options
- Selecting this link will allow for users to input effective dates in order to calculate plan rated based upon previous calculates set up within the Benefits Profiles.
- Price Initiator:
- Selecting this link will allow for benefit Profile Plans to be duplicated and include: Benefits Plan Name, Type of Coverage, Benefits Plan Code, and Benefits Type Name.
- Select Price Initiator Link
- Enter Effective Date
- Select the Plan you wish to duplicate and the Coverage Types you would like to be included
- Selecting this link will allow for benefit Profile Plans to be duplicated and include: Benefits Plan Name, Type of Coverage, Benefits Plan Code, and Benefits Type Name.
- Select Add
- New Benefits Profile Plan
- Follow the steps below in order to complete the setup of New Benefits Profile Plans.
- Export
- Utilize the checkboxes next to the Benefit Plan Names in order to select information you wish to be exported in an Excel document.
- New Benefits Profile Plan
- Click on New Benefits Profile Plan to ass new rate formulas for next year’s benefits
(The example above represents the employer paying 90% of the costs, the employee paying 10% of the cost, and the deduction calculations for 20 pay periods)
- Use the drop-down to pick type of Coverage
- Use down-down to pick Benefits Plan
- Add Effective Date for new Benefits Enrollment year
NOTE: This will be Contract start date if variables do not change, however use 7/1/2020 for this year
- Profile Plan Identifier is options- used for integration with identifier from provider
- Select the pencil to add Monthly Employer Cost, Monthly Employee Costs, and Payroll Deduction
- Choose Plan Cost and green plus sign to create appropriate formulas to calculate costs
Choose Constant to add static rate
(The example above represents the employer paying $200, the employee paying $100, and the deduction of $50 for each pay period.)
Year 1
Year 2 and Beyond
No updates
Effective Date
Only updated when contract changes
Only if calculation formula changes
Base Cost
Only if calculation formula
Only if calculation formula changes