Hire a Tracker Candidate
SchoolFront users with Administrator, Human Resources, Recruiting Coordinator, and Recruiting Administrator Roles have access to the Recruiting Menu options. Please note a Tracker Manager can also hire Candidates through the Tracker.
- When a decision has been made to hire a Tracker Candidate, the Tracker Manager will navigate to Recruiting/Tracker/Open Trackers:
- Select the Tracker you wish to hire a candidate for by clicking the magnifying glass, then select the Tracker Candidate Tab.
- Select the magnifying glass next to the person’s name you wish to hire:
- Select “Hire”
- The Hiring Options window will appear. Confirm the Task Profile is correct for the job posting.
- Check the “Initiate Selected Task Profile” box.
7. If the Hire is an Existing employee, select from the drop-down.
8. Once you select, “Save” the Hiring process for the new hire that was set up in the Job Posting (and linked within the Tracker) will automatically begin execution.
NOTE: Job Postings should always be linked to a Task Profile. If this does not happen, a Task Profile will not be initiated and the Profile Tasks associated with the Task Profile will not be kicked off.
9. Navigate to Task Management-Employee Task List Management to confirm the Task Profile was initiated.
10. Select the New Hire by selecting the Magnifying glass next to their name
NOTE: on this grid you have the ability to see total counts for Incomplete Tasks, Complete Tasks, Cancelled Tasks, and Total Tasks
For more information on the Employee Task Lists Management, please view this Knowledge Base Article.
11. To view all tasks, select Tasks from the details tab
Note: From here you can process tasks by selecting the check box next to a task and then selecting Process Task(s).
12. Verify that emails went out through the Sent Notifications Tab
13. Verify that all forms were created by navigating to Forms Pending Approval.
Note: Navigate to Forms Pending Approval rather than Forms Pending MY Approval to check status of forms at anytime.
14. Select the House icon to return to your Dashboard.
15. On your Dashboard you will see in the Items Requiring you Attention section that you have new Incomplete tasks.
To learn how to process these tasks, please view this Knowledge Based Article.