SchoolFront offers the functionality to rank your tracker candidates on whatever scale you see fit. Follow the directions below to learn how to set up and use this new feature.
Setting Up Candidate Ranking:
1. Login to SchoolFront as Administrator.
2. Select Feature Administration from left navigation menu.
3. Under "Misc" category, select "Feature Option Settings".
4. Select "ReviewerCandidateRanking".
5. Select "Feature Options" Tab.
6. Select "+ New EnumType Value List".
- Here you can input any value that you would like to rank your candidate on, as well as the display
- Example 1-Best, 2-Better, 3-Good.
Using Candidate Ranking:
1. Login to SchoolFront with a "Recruiting" accessible role.
2. Go to "Recruiting"-> "Tracker"-> "Open Trackers"
3. Select a tracker that you are a reviewer on.
4. Choose "Tracker Candidates" tab.
5. Select the blue icon next to an applicant name to bring up their applicant dashboard.
6. Under "Status Information" you will find "Candidate Reviewer Ranking"
7. Choose a previously created ranking.
8. Save Status.