- This is a list used to track candidates and reviewers through the interview process.
- Anyone that has either applied for a job at your district or made themselves available to your district
- An Applicant that you have added to your tracker
- A candidate is an applicant but an applicant is not always a candidate
RecruitFront Roles - For a detailed description of each role, please click here.
- HR - Human Resources
- RA - Recruiting Administrator
- RC - Recruiting Coordinator
- PPR - Personnel Profile Role, with one of the following Reviewer permissions. Reviewers can be assigned a different permission on different trackers:
- Tracker Manager
- Add Comments
- View Only
Job Posting (RA/HR/RC)
- My Open - postings you authored and are marked as active
- Open - postings that are marked as active
- Closed - postings that are not active
Applicants (RA/RC/HR)
- Anyone that has applied to a job at your district or has selected to be view-able to your district, one row per applicant
Job Posting Applicants (RA/RC/HR)
- Combined applicant and job posting, you will see a row for each time an applicant applied for a job at your district (e.g. if John applied for a Physics Teacher posting and Earth Science posting, he will appear twice)
- My Open - applicants to active job postings you authored
- Open - applicants to active job postings
- Closed - applicants to not-active job postings
Tracker (RA/HR/RC/PPR)
- A Tracker is a grouping of candidates and reviewers for the purpose of hiring one or more candidates, optionally associated to a job posting
- My Open - Trackers/Lists you authored and are active (active is defined by one or more tracker statuses, configurable per district) or you are assigned to
- Open - Trackers that are active
- Closed - Trackers that are not active
Tracker Candidate (RA/HR/RC/PPR)
- Any applicant that is on a tracker, one row per applicant and tracker (e.g. if John is on the Physics Tracker and Earth Science Tracker, he will appear twice)
- My Open - Candidates on Trackers you authored that are active or assigned to as a reviewer
- Open - Candidates on trackers that are active
- Closed Candidates on trackers that are not active
Candidate Reviewers (RA/HR/RC/PPR)
- A combination of tracker, candidate and reviewer, one row per tracker reviewer and tracker candidate
- My Open - Active trackers that you are assigned to as a reviewer
- Open - Active trackers
- Closed - Not active trackers