The Details Tab in the Job Posting allows you to perform the following operations:
- Edit to make updates on an existing Job Posting
- Delete the Job Posting
- Close the Job(s)
- Copy Job
- View Job as Applicant - Displays the job posting as an applicant will see it
- Job Posting PDF - Creates a printer-friendly PDF to post or email
Edit Job Posting
Once you have selected the job posting you wish to edit, click the Edit link (circled):
The Details Fields are now editable:
Once changes have been made, click Save.
Delete Job Posting
If you wish to permanently delete a job posting (not close it), you would select delete.
Note: Once you delete, it will be erased permanently.
Send Notifications: Send notifications to applicants from the details tab of each job posting.
For more on sending notifications see (Send Notifications).
Close the Job(s)
All data related to all open Job Postings appears in the "Open Job Postings" grid (list). This grid (list) gets very large and the page can become very slow as the number of your Open Job Postings grows.
Closing Job Postings as they are no longer needed (i.e. because someone is hired for the job or because you no longer need to hire someone) helps keep the items in the grid relevant and improves system performance (e.g. page load time and grid refresh time).
Copy Job
If you have very similar job postings, you can “copy” the majority of information into a new posting. You will then just need to modify that new posting to fit your needs.
View Job as Applicant
Clicking this link in the Details Tab of a Job Posting, will bring you directly to the Job Posting itself on RecruitFront:
Job Posting PDF
Clicking Job Posting PDF downloads the Job Posting into a PDF document: