If you wish you can add reviewers to Trackers within the Recruiting platform of SchoolFront.
1. To add reviewers to a tracker, you will navigate to the Tracker Grid using the left-hand navigation menu
2. Select the appropriate Tracker in which you wish to add the reviewer to.
NOTE:The selection will be highlighted green as shown by the arrow in the example above.
3. To add a Reviewer, click on "New Tracker Reviewer" as indicated within the red circle.
4. Once you have selected "New Tracker Reviewer", the window below will pop up.
5. Choose the Reviewer Role you wish to assign from the drop-down menu and select the appropriate Reviewers and hit save.
Reviewer Role options:
- View Only – Reviewer can only view Tracker information.
- Add Comment – Reviewer can add comments and files to candidate(s) they are assigned to, as well as update candidate reviewer status.
- Tracker Manager – This will allow the reviewer all rights within the Tracker, including add/edit/delete of candidates and reviewers, add candidate reviewer comments and files, update candidate reviewer status, and update candidate status and ranking. They can add a comment as well as rank and assign a status to the candidate.
- Tracker Coordinator - Tracker Coordinators have different permissions based on the role you are currently logged in as. Please see below for current role based permissions. The figure below will include the notion of elevated and non-elevated roles. Elevated roles are Admin, HR Admin, HR Team, Recruiting Admin, Recruiting Coordinator. All other roles would be considered non-elevated.
Non-Elevated Tracker Coordinator's Can:
Change Candidate Ranking Via Candidate Dashboard |
Change Candidate Ranking Via Edit Button |
Change Candidate Status Via Candidate Dashboard |
Change Candidate Status Via Edit Button |
Mass Edit w/Restrictions |
Open Candidate Dashboard |
Add Comments |
Non-Elevated Tracker Coordinator's Can Not:
Add/Delete Candidates |
Add/Delete Reviewers from group or individuals |
use district applicant radio button in dashboard file area |
access any applicant fields in mass edit |
Use Hidden Checkbox in mass edit or Candidate dashboard |
Elevated Tracker Coordinator's Can:
Add Comments |
Change Candidate Ranking Via Candidate Dashboard |
Change Candidate Ranking Via Edit Button |
Change Candidate Status Via Candidate Dashboard |
Change Candidate Status Via Edit Button |
Mass Edit w/Restrictions |
Add/Delete Candidates |
Add/Delete Reviewers from group or individuals |
Open Candidate Dashboard |
Use district applicant radio button in dashboard file area |
Access any applicant fields in mass edit |
Use Hidden Checkbox in mass edit or Candidate dashboard |
Elevated Tracker Coordinator's can not do nothing.