To add a candidate to a tracker, there are a few ways to go about doing this - depending on where you are in the system.
- Through Tracker Candidates tab on the Tracker Grid
- Through the Applicant and Job Posting Applicant Grids
Adding Tracker Candidates from the Tracker Grid
To add tracker candidates from a tracker, click on the magnifying glass (circled below) next to the tracker name. This action brings up the lower screen, where you will select the Tracker Candidates Tab. This tab displays the tracker candidates that are already assigned to the tracker. For information on managing existing tracker candidates, click here.
Add New Tracker Candidate
Click on New Tracker Candidate to add a candidate to the tracker.
The Candidate Managment window will open. From here you will be able to search candidates.
You can add candidates by checking the boxes to the left, or sort and filter by column heading. You can also search hidden candidates by checking the hidden box.
Candidate Status and Candidate Ranking drop-down menus enable your search to be narrowed by these options.
Adding Tracker Candidates from the Applicant and Job Posting Applicants Grids
Through these grids, you can perform a filter/sort to add multiple candidates to a tracker at once by clicking the "Add to Tracker" link at the top of the grid after your search has yielded the results you want.
Another option would be to add a single candidate by clicking the magnifying glass which brings you to the candidate's Tracker Candidate Record.
In this example, note that the row in which the candidate selected is in, is highlighted green.
Once you have clicked Add To Tracker (either for multiple or single additions), you will then have a window pop up that will confirm the amount of applicant(s) selected and will show a listing of open trackers. Click on the desired tracker and this will add your selected applicants automatically.